Ivory Tribe Feature
7 February 2016
How To Tackle Our Double Barrel Cakes.
12 June 2016
Autumn is here and wedding season is slowing down for the winter months.
One thing this past season has taught me… You guys love your cake! But with that I have also learnt how tiny my kitchen is! Gradually over the last 3 years we have moved benches, extended forward, added shelves, more containers and yet it is still not enough! So with future wedding seasons on the brain we have decided to close our little retail section and utilise the space we have a little better.
While this is a touch sad at first it also means we get to make you MORE cake! And better! Someone once said to me “Gina, your business will have a mind of its own, the best thing you can do is go with it”. And so that is exactly what we are doing!
Our last day of trading will be on Sunday 1st May. Custom orders and pick ups will still be available as normal. Our door will be open for popping in most days but I do recommend calling ahead to make an appointment.
We will still be doing pop ups here and there that you can buy our small sweets from, including the Designers market at Hendriks Cafe on the 7th of May.
We are so absolutely thankful to all of you for your on going support and I am so excited about the future for our “wee” business.
Much Love,
Miss Ladybird (aka Gina)